Faith Food Bank Drive-Up Food Distribution
Fridays 9:30am-12:30pm in the parking lot
Volunteers fill boxes with canned goods, meat, bread, and dairy products, then load them in the trunks of our food bank visitors. Each week, there are 120-150 cars that drive through the parking lot seeking food from the food bank. Many volunteers are needed. If you would like to help, no need to call ahead–just come at 9:30 am ready to work! You will appreciate the teamwork and camaraderie.
Point of contact: Roxana
Tuesday Community Dinners
Tuesdays 4-6:15 pm in Fellowship Hall
Help cook and distribute a tasty and nutritious dinner to 150-175 community members (seniors, singles, families with children) in to-go containers.
Point of contact: Roxana and Holly
Thursdays 10-11:30 am in Fellowship Hall
Our Quilters make quilts for homeless families and residents of domestic abuse shelters. Everyone, with or without sewing ability, is welcome to participate.
Point of contact: Ella
Bible Study
11:30 am bring your own sack lunch
12:00 pm Bible Study
Point of Contact: Andrea